Climbing at Medlow Bath


Seven of us (me, Ollie, Victoria, Lucy, Laura, Susie and Alice) headed down into the cliffs behind the Hydro Majestic for some climbing. The clouds threatened to rain but never quite did (though they spat a bit).

Below: Susie on “Kaboomba Brothers” (4/8/13 depending on who you believe)64009_10101235163464447_1729972919_n

All struggled on the sandbagged Kaboomba Brothers, but a few made it to the top. Much nourishment was required.


Much more satisfying was Manana (14), which at 25m was a good length on jugs the whole way.

Below: Ollie shouting encouragement.


Below: Victoria killing it.



Below: Views down into the Megalong Valley.


Below: Being very careful near the cliff edge.


Climbing at Mt Kuring-Gai

Tessa and I headed up to Mt Kuring-Gai for some easier climbing. With bolted routes in the mid-teens, it was great for me to practice leading (and Tessa to practice climbing).

It was the winter solstice so, after some delays on the train, and a longer-than-expected walk in (the walk in to the Lost and Found wall is half an hour from where it leaves the fire trail) we only had time for a few climbs. We headed up Ding Bat (14), Lactose Free (16) and Foundling (17), and enjoyed them immensely. Here’s Tessa on Ding Bat.


The climbing was improved by the excellent views up and down Berowra Creek. We speculated whether it was possible to get down to the creek, as in summer it would make a great swimming hole. Perhaps you could just abseil down…

Here are some photos from back up near the top.

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As an added bonus, on our way back we spotted a mini-citrus orchard in front of a vacant warehouse. We crammed our bags full of mandarins and grapefruits, and lugged them back to the train station. Score!


Climbing at Berowra

Pat, Chad, Rachael and I went climbing at Berowra. It was a silly thing to do in the heat of a summer’s day – when we come back it will be earlier in the morning – but it was fun nonetheless.

Here’s Pat on the entry.


And whimpering his way up Look Blue Go Purple (18).

DSCN2006 Here I am prostrate halfway up The Mantle Machine (14), after failing spectacularly to get past the first bolt on Ladder of Gloom (19).

DSCN2010 Pat led Yesterday’s Heroes (17), as did Chad and I – this one was lots of fun.

DSCN2014Possibly a Cunningham’s Skink? Where’s our resident reptile expert…


Climbing at Earlwood

Pat and I were keen to check out our most local crag, down at Earlwood. It’s not far from Bardwell Park station, about 10 minutes walk down a path through Girrawheen Park.

Not yet having sport climbing equipment, it was good to find some fair options for top-roping. There was a fair smattering of easy-ish climbing (grades 16-18), which is about what we’re capable of at the moment.

What with there only being two of us there, there wasn’t much opportunity to take photos while we were climbing, but we did manage to snap a couple of shots.

Here’s me and Pat on Warm It Up (16).

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And Pat after finishing The Count (18).DSCN1844

Climbing at Mt York and Dam Cliffs

Pat was kind enough to introduce Tessa and I to sport lead climbing (in which the routes are bolted, and you attach quickdraws and clip into them as you go).

It was pissing down as we passed through Katoomba, but miraculously by Blackheath the rain had stopped, and I don’t think it ever got as far as Mt York, where we started with some practice climbing, top-roped.


Feeling pretty pleased with ourselves, we headed down to Dam Cliffs (at Dargans Creek). Here Pat climbs The Sisters of Fatima (16).
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Tessa gave it a go top-roped but decided she needed to spend more time at the gym before another attempt.

DSCN1735 Pat then cranked up A Tale of Two Cities (18).DSCN1754

It’s a spectacular area, and I think next time we might combine some climbing with a canyoning trip.DSCN1766

I led up the first route Pat had done, Sisters of Fatima. My first lead climb ever! I’m proud to say I didn’t fall off, back-clip any quickdraws, or z-clip the rope.


It was a blast, and I’ll be back for more. Just look at that grin…
